Gitschberg Jochtal

Hutvillage Fane

General description

The Fane Alm is a mountain pasture village, located above Valles/Vals at a sea level of 1739 m.

Public transport
One the Fanealm parking area is completely full, a shuttle service will be activated, starting from the Berg am Boden parking area, where the barrier was previously located.
New Parking Regulations for “Fanealm”, “Berg am Boden” and “Specker”
Starting from the end of June 2024, the parking areas at Berg am Boden, Specker, and Fanealm will be reorganized, and a parking fee will be introduced:
Fanealm: 8€/ half-day rate form 2:00 PM 5 €
Berg am Boden: 6€
Specker: 6 € / rate for buses  30€

The fees can be paid at the respective parking meter machines using cash or credit card (cash payment without change).
leden, únor, březen, květen, červen, červenec, srpen, září, říjen, prosinec
Tourismusgenossenschaft Gitschberg Jochtal
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